How we do it

The Start with Innovation concept

The Start with Innovation concept is based on our work with clients worldwide. To make the years of knowledge and experience available for everybody we created the Start with Innovation concept. In this concept you can customise your own innovation journey, supported with a step-by-step programme, tools and advice. The concept is explained in the graphic.

Step 1 – Identify Main Stakeholders

Identify the people you will be working with: whose support you need, who will benefit most or who oppose innovation

Step 2 - Innovation Culture Diamond© Team Assessment

The Innovation Culture Diamond© Assessment is the basis for the SWI Programme. Invite respondents, do the assessment yourself and receive and understand the report

Step 3 - Intake with SWI Coach

Plan your intake and prepare for it to make the most of your time with your SWI Coach. Ask any questions you have during the intake

Step 4 - Create SWI Focus Map

Plan and prepare for your intake so you can get the most out of your time with your SWI Coach.

Step 5 - Decide SWI Focus

Share your SWI Focus Map and discuss with Stakeholders. Together, decide on SWI Focus dimension

Step 1 - Select analysis method

Clarify which type of information you want to find. Then choose the best method(s) to find it, inside and outside your organisation

Step 2 - Identify main stakeholders

Find the people who you need most for the analysis in order to get the right information. Include those who influence the opinion of others

Step 3 - Execute SWI Analysis

Define your research questions, invite participants – if applicable – and conduct the analysis using the chosen method(s)

Step 4 - Create SWI Analysis Report

Use the outcomes of your analysis to create a clear overview of the most important outcomes and conclusions

Step 5 - Decide specific SWI Topics

Share your analysis report with your stakeholders and decide on which specific topics you will focus on

Step 1 - Design SWI Intervention(s)

Use the outcomes of your analysis to design your intervention(s), using your key goals, challenges, target groups and available resources

Step 2 - Agree with stakeholders

Discuss your designed interventions and agree on them with stakeholders. Focus on those who provide the resources and are most impacted by the results

Step 3 - Organise SWI Intervention(s)

Take your design and get everything ready for your intervention(s) to be put into practice. Create a detailed playbook and make sure everything is in place

Step 4 - Communicate with target audience

Make sure everyone you want to be involved knows what they need to know to participate. Use different media to reach different groups

Step 1 - Execute SWI Intervention(s)

This is where all your hard work really becomes visible! Put your plans into action and enjoy it!

Step 2 - Analyse outcomes

Check if your expectations came true. What did you expect and did it or didn’t it happen? What happened that you didn’t expect? And was that good or bad?

Step 3 - Discuss learnings

Innovation is all about learning. So: what can you learn from the outcomes of your intervention(s)? Collect learnings and discuss them with your stakeholders

Step 4 - Decide on next steps

Going through the whole programme makes no sense unless you continue on the road to innovation. So, plan your next steps

You have Started With Innovation!

On to the next stage...

The Start with Innovation Platform

Our digital platform allows you to customise your own innovation journey, supported with a step-by-step programme, tools and advice. On the platform you can find short videos explaining each step. You also find links to the models, extra documentation and tools in Miro and as downloadable documents. All content is aimed at allowing you to follow the programme independently


Start with Innovation Coaches

We have a team of world-class Start with Innovation Coaches to support you when you need it: 

Have an intake at the start of your 100 Day Start with Innovation Programme
The option to book extra hours with the innovation coach throughout the entire programme
If necessary, additional steps such as workshops and events can be organized and facilitated

People who love our work

The Start with Innovation concept and our tools have been created by us based on our work with clients worldwide, like, among others:

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