Start with Innovation for small and medium-sized companies

Start with Innovation

You, as an innovator at a SME, want to innovate but you don’t know how…. Or you don’t have the resources, then it is time to Start with Innovation: 

Get a competitive advantage by staying ahead of the competition in rapidly evolving markets

Clear step-by-step approach; no need to (re)invent the wheel

Easy to use tools, to allow you to you can do it yourself

Additional coaching and support available, when you need it

Access to top-notch expertise and world-class experience

What we do / Examples


at mobility solution provider

A regional mobility solutions company with 200 employees encountered challenges in generating additional revenue. Through the Start with Innovation program, they pinpointed a lack of internal collaboration as a primary obstacle. With guidance from their dedicated Start with Innovation coach, they capitalised on their entrepreneurial strengths to enhance teamwork. The new-found collaboration led to several possible innovative strategies for revenue enhancement, creating numerous new revenue streams.


for a Law Firm

A top-tier law firm with 250 lawyers wanted to find new propositions to cope with changing market circumstances. Innovation is relatively new to their industry and they didn’t have any experience with organising for it. Management felt it was hard to motivate the lawyers to be part of innovation. The Innovation Culture Diamond© Assessment told a different story: employees missed the organisational context and the skills to start with innovation. With our coaches, the company organized an innovation challenge in which 20 teams entered ideas for new market propositions or improvements on current propositions. 

It has never been this easy to Start with Inovation

We understand that taking the first step to start with innovation can be challenging. That’s why we offer a range of options, from one-day events to our comprehensive 100-day Start with Innovation programme. We also believe that success often begins with small steps, so why not take that first step with Start with Innovation today?


The 1 Day Start with Innovation Event

The 10 Days Start with Innovation Booster

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The 100 Days Start with Innovation Programme

Do the Quick Scan

Get a taste of what you, as a corporate innovator, can do to Start with Innovation!
Answer 16 inspiring questions about the eight dimensions of your corporate innovation practice and receive a free report with concrete insights that will help you  get started immediately.

Free Quick Scan report with concrete insights

Lets talk

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